What Happens if I am Injured as a Passenger on a Bus?

Whether you’re taking a public transportation bus for a short commute or taking a coach bus for a longer trip, you never get on a bus expecting to experience an accident. In fact, many passengers prefer buses, as buses offer some of the safest forms of transportation.

Still, no vehicle is immune from collisions. So, if you’re involved in a bus accident and suffer injuries, what do you do? You should take several important steps following a bus collision, but consulting with a skilled personal injury lawyer is among the most important. An attorney can provide direction and guidance as you go down the path toward fair compensation for your related injuries and losses.

Bus Accidents are Unique

Bus collisions are different from other types of vehicular accidents, like car and truck crashes, for many reasons.

Riding a large bus comes with its own set of risks. Many buses, specifically public buses, are not equipped with safety equipment, like seatbelts. For this reason, bus riders involved in crashes are more likely to get thrown out of their seats and suffer severe injuries.

Bus accident cases can also be challenging to navigate, as many parties are usually involved. This varies from a regular car accident, where it may just be you and another driver. In a bus collision, you’ll need to determine what and who caused your accident, which can be difficult in and of itself, and you may have compensation claims against multiple parties, depending on the circumstances of the crash.

When you’re injured in a bus accident, it’s best to have an experienced accident lawyer handle your claim. Because of the complex nature of these collision claims, having an attorney on your side can yield much more favorable results.

Types of Buses Often Involved in Collisions

A school bus on the highway on a cloudy day in the USA.

Almost any type of bus may become involved in an accident. Some of the most common types of buses that crash include:

  • Tour buses
  • School buses
  • City and municipal buses
  • Charter buses
  • Shuttle buses

Buses are complicated machines, and every bus is different. Many things are liable to go wrong with a bus, which can contribute to collisions.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents

Bus crashes occur for a wide variety of reasons. It’s crucial to determine the cause of your bus collision for your compensation claim.

Many bus accidents are the result of driver negligence. Operating a large bus requires skill and attention, as well as special licensure. Even the most skilled bus drivers can engage in the same dangerous driving behaviors as other types of drivers, such as:

  • Following too closely
  • Speeding
  • Not looking before pulling back into the street
  • Unsafe turns and lane changes
  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while under the influence
  • Drowsy driving

Along with driver negligence, other causes of bus crashes include:

  • Improper maintenance
  • Mechanical defects and failures
  • Negligent hiring
  • Inclement weather
  • Hazardous road conditions

Some bus accidents are caused solely by one mishap or situation, while others occur as a result of a combination of negative circumstances.

Bus Accident Injuries

The lack of protection on buses is one of the biggest contributing factors to bus accident injuries. Unlike cars, buses don’t have airbags and other safety equipment to minimize injuries. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for bus crash victims to sustain substantial harm.

Some common injuries that people suffer in bus accidents include:

  • Neck injuries, including whiplash
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bone fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries, including concussions
  • Internal injuries

Accident victims must suffer through the uncomfortable symptoms of their injuries as they work on their recovery. Bus crash injuries can massively impact a victim’s life physically, mentally, and even financially. The negative effects on a person’s life and lifestyle are more permanent the more serious their injuries are.

Liability for Bus Crashes

People sitting in public transport, commuting to their destinations with a sense of routine and community.

Determining liability is one of the most important parts of a compensation claim. You must know who is responsible for your crash to ensure you seek financial recovery from the appropriate party.

Parties that can be liable for a bus accident include:

  • Bus drivers
  • Bus companies
  • Mechanics and repair companies
  • Product designers and manufacturers
  • Governmental entities

A majority of bus crashes are caused by negligence. Therefore, you must establish the responsible party’s negligence by satisfying the required elements, which include:

  • Duty: The defendant owed you a duty of care at the time of the collision.
  • Breach: The defendant’s action or inaction caused them to breach their duty of care.
  • Causation: The defendant’s breach of duty was the direct cause of your accident.
  • Damages: As a result of your bus crash, you suffered monetary and non-monetary damages.

Liability may fall on one party alone but can involve more than one party. An accident attorney can determine who is ultimately responsible for your collision and seek appropriate damages based on your losses.

Rights of Injured Bus Passengers

As a bus passenger involved in a collision, you have the right to pursue just compensation for your accident-related injuries, losses, and expenses. Oftentimes, seeking financial recovery involves filing an insurance claim. Other times, a personal injury lawsuit may be necessary.

If your accident occurred in a no-fault state, you may think about filing a claim under your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Unfortunately, PIP insurance does not apply to all bus collision cases. Talk to a lawyer to determine whether you can make a claim on your PIP insurance.

In many cases, if the party that caused your accident is insured, you can file a claim against their insurance. Insurance claims for bus collisions can be particularly difficult to handle, so an accident lawyer can navigate the process on your behalf.

In many cases, you may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the liable party. Personal injury law protects victims injured by third parties, opening the door for plaintiffs to seek monetary recovery and justice from the defendant.

Should the government be fully or partially at fault for your bus collision, you may have a claim. Nonetheless, filing a claim against any governmental agency can be tough, and procedures and timelines vary from regular personal injury lawsuits. Accident cases that involve the government require the assistance of knowledgeable legal counsel.

Whether you file an insurance claim, a personal injury lawsuit, or both, a bus accident attorney is available to assist you every step of the way. They can provide the highest quality legal representation and represent your best interests from start to settlement.

Potential Compensation for a Bus Collision Claim

"Bus Accident Lawsuits and Settlements" written on a sheet of paper.

A bus accident can affect a victim’s life considerably, especially financially. For this reason, it’s helpful to file a claim to recover compensation and alleviate your financial burdens.

When filing a claim following a bus collision, you can pursue damages for your economic (tangible) losses as well as your non-economic (intangible) losses. Damages you may be entitled to receive include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical expenses for your present and anticipated treatment
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost earnings
  • Diminished earning potential
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

An accident lawyer can determine what damages you’d qualify to receive and calculate your damages to ensure you understand how much your case is truly worth.

Determining the Value of Your Claim

Assigning a monetary figure to your claim is key to making sure you get the compensation you need and deserve. To accurately determine the value of your damages, your bus accident attorney must thoroughly examine several essential details concerning your bus collision and resulting losses, such as:

  • The total cost of your medical expenses
  • The types of injuries you sustained and the severity of these injuries
  • How your injuries have impacted your life as a whole
  • Whether your accident and injuries have affected you mentally and emotionally
  • Whether you’ve missed time from work due to your physical state
  • The total of your lost earnings caused by your collision

These and other factors substantially impact the value of an accident claim. You can rely on your accident lawyer to assess your case and pursue just financial recovery on your behalf.

Evidence to Support Your Bus Crash Claim

A police officer uses a measuring wheel to measure the distance at the scene of a car crash accident. Translation: "Police"

The success of an accident claim heavily relies on the strength of available evidence. Pertinent evidence can help you substantiate your claims and prove vital details, including what caused your accident, who is responsible for the collision, and how much your damages are worth.

Evidence often used in bus crash cases includes:

  • Police reports
  • Witness statements
  • Medical records and bills
  • Photos
  • Black box data
  • Surveillance video caught in surrounding areas

Additionally, many buses, including school buses, are now equipped with interior cameras to enhance safety. Your bus accident lawyer can request and obtain evidence, including camera footage, to build your claim.

What To Do if You’re Injured in a Bus Accident

What you do following a bus crash matters. You want to protect your rights as an injured victim and give yourself enough time to file your claim for compensation.

Chances are, you’ve already been involved in a bus accident. The following steps should be completed in the hours and days following your collision to ensure your safety and begin your claim.

Get Medical Help

When you’re injured in a bus accident, you should emphasize seeking medical attention. Bus collision injuries can be serious and require emergency treatment, and the sooner you receive proper care for your injuries, the better.

Even if you believe you’ve walked away with no injuries, it’s still best to seek medical attention. Accident injuries can be tricky, and some injuries don’t exhibit symptoms right away. A full physical examination can shed some light on your physical state and allow you to get the treatment you need.

Additionally, getting treatment for your injuries adds to your medical records, which serve as a crucial piece of evidence for bus accident cases.

Begin Gathering Evidence

As soon as you can, start collecting collision-related evidence. Documentation and correspondence of any kind can prove to be useful for your claim. You can continue to obtain more evidence as it becomes available, such as accident reports.

Consult a Local Bus Accident Attorney

When you’re physically and mentally ready, schedule a consultation with a bus accident lawyer. An attorney can address your concerns, answer your questions, and provide much-needed compassion and guidance.

The days following a bus collision can be confusing and stressful, but an injury lawyer can support you and begin creating a plan to pursue beneficial compensation on your behalf.

Time Restrictions for Accident Claims

After a traffic accident, an insurance agent inspects the damaged vehicles and submits a post-accident claim report, illustrating the insurance process.

After a bus accident, it’s okay to take some time to yourself. You may need a moment to collect yourself and start the healing process, as a bus collision can be traumatizing. Still, it’s important not to wait too long to speak to a lawyer and take legal action, as time is limited.

Statutes of limitations are laws that impose time restrictions on a plaintiff’s chance to file their claim in court. The time clock begins running on the day of your accident. Based on your state’s specific laws for personal injury cases, you may only have a few years to file your lawsuit. In some states, you only have as little as one to two years.

While you may believe you have plenty of time to file your claim, time passes rather quickly. Additionally, there are usually several steps that come before filing a lawsuit, and you want to ensure you allow enough time.

Failing to file your claim in a timely manner can negatively affect your ability to obtain the compensation you deserve.

If You Sustained Injuries in a Bus Crash, Seek Legal Guidance

Suffering injuries in a bus accident can be troubling. Not only are you left to deal with the physical repercussions, but you may also face financial burdens as a result. When you’re unsure of what to do next, retain an experienced bus accident lawyer to represent you.

When you hire an attorney from Cook Barkett Ponder & Wolz (CBPW) for your bus accident case, you don’t have to worry about what comes next. You can feel confident knowing your claim is in the most appropriate hands and you have an ally protecting your rights and interests at all times.