If you were recently in a car accident, consult an attorney—but when?
As soon as possible after your accident.
Many collision victims wait too long before hiring a car accident attorney. Waiting too long can hurt to your chances of recovering your losses after your car accident.
Continue reading to better understand the role car accident lawyers play and why they are so critical to the success of your claim.
Car Accident Attorneys—Who They Are and What They Do
Car accidents occur every about every 13 minutes, resulting in around four million injuries in the U.S. every year. That gives car accident lawyers a lot of experience dealing with the legal issues that arise when victims seek compensation.
Take advantage of that. When hiring an attorney after a collision, you should hire one with extensive experience handling car accident claims. Not all lawyers have the same knowledge and experience. Therefore, it’s particularly helpful to have an attorney with the right skills to successfully handle your claim.
Car accident cases fall under the umbrella of personal injury. Personal injury law exists to help victims of car accidents seek justice for their collision and pursue compensation for their resulting injuries and financial losses. Attorneys who handle car accident claims are well-versed in the area of personal injury, having a high familiarity with the procedures associated with these cases.
These lawyers handle every task associated with your car accident case. From investigating your claim and determining fault to fiercely advocating for your rights, an attorney has the right tools to take on every crucial step from the beginning of your case until the very end.
Signs You Need a Lawyer After Your Collision
In most cases, you should consider consulting with an attorney after your collision. However, if any of the following pertain to your situation, they are a sign you should meet with a lawyer sooner rather than later.
You Suffered Injuries
First and foremost, if you sustained any injuries during your accident, you’ll want to discuss your situation with an experienced lawyer.
Suffering injuries in a car accident can be detrimental not only to your physical health but also to your finances. Depending on the extent and severity of your injuries, you can expect expensive medical bills for necessary treatment. If a negligent party caused your car accident, it’s not fair for you to shoulder the burden of paying for your medical expenses.
You may not know what your case is worth based on your injuries. Fortunately, an attorney can calculate your damages and conjure a legal strategy to put you in the best position to recover financially for your injuries.
You’ve Suffered Losses, Like Time off From Work
On top of suffering harm to your physical health, injuries can affect you in other ways, like forcing you to take time off from work. Time off work often means missing out on earnings. So now, not only do you have injuries, but you may also be feeling the pressure of losing money.
A lawyer can include lost wages in your damages. Additionally, if your injuries resulted in lost or diminished earning capacity, you may be entitled to compensation for that as well.
Your Accident Involved More Than One Party
Car accident claims are difficult to manage as it is, but when more than one party is involved, and multiple parties may share the blame, it can add a layer of complication to your case.
An attorney can investigate and gather pertinent information to determine fault, regardless of how many parties were involved in the collision.
You’re Not Sure How to Handle Your Car Accident Claim
If you feel completely lost at the thought of handling your car accident claim, you’re not alone! Most individuals without knowledge of personal injury law have no idea where to begin with their claim.
Having no knowledge or experience can significantly hinder your ability to recover fairly for your accident. Not only will you be confused the entire way through, but the insurance company will take advantage of you. This often results in either an unfair settlement or no settlement at all.
The Insurance Company Claims You Caused the Collision
Fault plays a huge role in a car accident, especially depending on where you live. In some states, if you’re even slightly at fault for an accident, you can lose your chance to recover compensation.
Once the insurer points a finger at you, it can be difficult to prove otherwise, especially when you’re up against the insurance company and its aggressive attorneys.
A lawyer can provide the protection you need. They won’t let the insurance company bully you and will help you avoid accidentally doing anything that might place the blame on you.
The Insurance Company Fails to Take Your Claim Seriously
Car insurance companies are notoriously difficult to deal with. They’re always looking for ways to deny your claim or, at the very least, avoid paying out what your claim is worth. For this reason, the insurance company may dig for evidence to prove that your injuries and damage aren’t as serious as you claim.
An attorney can obtain vital evidence to argue against the insurance company’s claims, helping strengthen your case.
You Received a Settlement Offer
It is not uncommon to receive a settlement offer from the insurance company very soon after an accident. They do this on purpose—insurers often feel that, when presented with a settlement offer, car accident victims will accept it quickly to get a payout and move on.
This is tricky, though, and you have to be careful. You might not realize that once you accept a settlement offer from the insurance company, that’s the end of your claim. You’ll never have the opportunity to pursue additional compensation in the past for this particular collision.
If you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company, be sure to bring it to a knowledgeable attorney. Depending on your situation, a lawyer can advise on whether to accept the offer because it’s fair or hold off on accepting it because it’s far less than you deserve.
Your Accident Involved an Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Some car accident cases are more complicated than others, especially when they involve uninsured or underinsured motorists. Being uninsured means the other driver has no car insurance at all, and being underinsured means the other driver has insurance but not enough protection.
Uninsured and underinsured motorists are such an issue that you can get special insurance to cover losses for accidents involving these drivers.
Additionally, a car accident attorney can be especially advantageous if you’re in a hit-and-run accident. A hit-and-run collision occurs when a negligent party hits your vehicle or you and flees the scene of the accident, which in most states, is illegal.
In any of these scenarios, a lawyer can take steps to help find the person responsible or create a plan to get you the monetary recovery you need, despite colliding with an uninsured or underinsured driver.
Benefits of Hiring an Attorney After a Car Accident
A car accident lawyer offers several benefits to your claim and the future outcome of your case. Below are only some of the most significant benefits of hiring an attorney after a car wreck.
You Don’t Have to Handle Your Claim Alone
This truly is one of the biggest advantages of having a lawyer on your side. Handling a car accident claim can seem like an easy or doable task, but in many cases, these claims can present many challenges or quickly take a turn for the worse.
Before hitting a wall or reaching a tough point in your claim, equip yourself with the right legal help. Your future self will thank you.
Your Lawyer Can Protect Your Rights
You have rights after a car accident, but you need to take the appropriate steps to protect them. A car accident lawyer will not only make moves to protect your rights themselves but also provide valuable advice on how you can protect your own rights to compensation.
You Don’t Have to Deal With the Insurance Company
Insurance companies are difficult—there are no two ways about it. Even simple communication with insurers can be a nightmare in and of itself. These companies have a laundry list of tricks they utilize to negatively affect accident claims, attempting to deny claims whenever possible.
For example, it’s not uncommon for the other driver’s insurance company to reach out to you after a car accident for a recorded statement. Innocent enough, right? That’s what they want to make you think. In reality, they want to record your version of events and answers to their questions in hopes you’ll say something they can use against you.
When you hire an attorney, all communication goes through them, so you don’t have to deal with anything insurance company-related.
You Have a Better Chance of Fair Compensation
When you hire an attorney, you’re putting yourself in a better position to earn the monetary recovery you deserve.
A lawyer can give you a fairer chance at compensation for several reasons, but primarily because they have the right skills and tools to pursue just recovery. When you’re inexperienced and unsure of how to handle a claim, there’s a higher chance you can inadvertently hurt your claim in some way or accept a settlement that’s much less than you deserve.
In most cases, having an attorney on your side will yield much better results than going at it alone.
Your Attorney Can Represent You in Court, if Needed
Every case is different. Some cases settle without the need to ever file a lawsuit, and some settle after a lawsuit is underway but before reaching trial. A small number of cases do go to trial, as this is the best plan to pursue fair recovery.
If your case ends up in the courtroom, you don’t have to worry about representing yourself. A trial can be stressful and time-consuming, with many moving parts, but a lawyer has the experience and know-how to provide powerful representation until the very end.
You’ll Have Peace of Mind
Having a legal ally on your side gives you the peace of mind you need during a turbulent time. This is especially beneficial when you’re dealing with extensive injuries, medical treatments, and other life stressors.
A car accident attorney can give you peace while you turn your focus to what matters most, like recovery and time with loved ones.
You Have Limited Time to Hire an Attorney for Your Accident
You have a limited time to take legal action after a car accident because lawsuits are subject to statutes of limitations.
A statute of limitations imposes a time restriction on filing lawsuits. While not every car accident claim requires a lawsuit, you want to make sure you don’t forfeit your chances of filing a claim, in case that is the best course of action for your situation.
Statutes of limitations typically range between one to four years, depending on your state’s laws. The minute your accident occurs, the time clock begins to run. Absent special circumstances, statutes of limitations are strict and enforceable.
When you hire a car accident attorney, you don’t have to worry about missing the chance to file your lawsuit if need be. Lawyers are fully aware of all time limits pertaining to your case, allowing you to feel confident your case proceeds in a timely manner.
Consult a Car Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible After Your Collision
Car Accident Attorney, Phillip J. Barkett
The very first step after a collision is seeking medical attention, as your health and well-being are always the most important. Then, you can turn your focus to legal help and figuring out the next steps for your accident claim.
After experiencing a car accident, do not hesitate to consult with a personal injury attorney as quickly as you can. Having a strong lawyer on your side can substantially increase your chances of reaching a beneficial outcome.