Pedestrian accidents occur most often in areas of Cape Girardeau where foot traffic regularly meets motor vehicle traffic. North Spring Street, Broadway Street, and William Street include many intersections with a significant risk of pedestrian accidents. The push to elevate Cape Girardeau’s riverfront downtown, right next to the SEMO River Campus, reminds us that pedestrian accidents often happen downtown.
The truth is that a pedestrian accident can happen anywhere in Cape Girardeau, where pedestrians and motor vehicles are in close proximity. If you or a loved one suffers injuries or passes away because of a pedestrian accident, hire a pedestrian accident attorney in Cape Girardeau to seek fair compensation for your damages.
Intersections Are a Common Site for Pedestrian Accidents in Cape Girardeau
Pedestrians and motorists often come in close contact at intersections.
These locations pose a high risk of pedestrian collisions because:
- Pedestrians must often walk directly in the path of motorists
- When motorists are distracted, intoxicated, or engaged in dangerous actions like speeding, they risk hitting pedestrians in their path
- Many intersections lack markings, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing signs, and other resources that decrease the risk of pedestrian accidents happening
- Intersections can be hectic, confusing areas of the road that lead motorists to make irrational, impulsive, or otherwise dangerous decisions
Data suggests that an outsized percentage of pedestrian accidents happen at intersections, but these are hardly the only locations in Cape Girardeau where pedestrians are hit.
Pedestrians can even get hit in their own driveways when motorists act negligently.
Wherever pedestrians are present and defenseless, motorists must avoid hitting the pedestrian. If you or a loved one have suffered any form of harm because of a pedestrian accident, don’t hesitate to hire an attorney.
Areas Where Pedestrian Accidents Pose a High Risk
In addition to intersections, certain areas of roadways pose a foreseeable risk of pedestrian accidents, including:
Work Zones
Work zones on or near roadways may bring pedestrians (workers) in close and frequent contact with motor vehicle drivers. If the work zone is positioned unsafely or motorists do not exercise the utmost caution, they may strike a worker.
Those liable for dangerous work zone accidents may include:
- The municipality of Cape Girardeau
- A private company responsible for the work zone
- A motorist who strikes a worker
- Any other party whose negligence contributes to the accident
Work zones can be an inconvenience, but motorists must maintain their composure and do everything possible to avoid hitting a worker.
Areas With Restaurants and Other Walkable Attractions
Cape Girardeau areas with a high concentration of restaurants and other attractions can be hotspots for pedestrians. Motorists must be particularly cautious in these areas, knowing pedestrians are present and vulnerable.
Areas With Poor Lighting
Lighting is necessary to allow motorists to see pedestrians.
The risk of a pedestrian accident may rise significantly in areas where:
- No lights have been installed to illuminate the roadway
- There are not adequate lights illuminating sidewalks
- Lights are burnt out or defective
- Lights are too dim
You can hold the municipality of Cape Girardeau or other parties liable for inadequate lighting that contributes to a pedestrian accident.
Areas With Many Bars
Whether in Downtown Cape Girardeau or other city areas, motorists must remain sober when driving so they don’t hit pedestrians.
Roads Near Large Events
When bands and sporting events come to Cape Girardeau, whether at the Show Me Center or Houck Field, they attract large crowds that:
- Can cause confusion on and near roadways
- May need to cross streets as they arrive and depart from an event
- Can contribute to traffic that leads motorists to make rash decisions out of frustration
Large crowds can distract motorists. If drivers do not remain alert and drive defensively, they risk striking pedestrians.
Roads Near Parks and Community Centers
Cape Girardeau has no shortage of parks and community centers, including the Cape Girardeau SportsPlex. These locations typically have a significant number of pedestrians on foot, and motorists in the area must exercise abundant caution to avoid striking any of those pedestrians.
What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Cape Girardeau
Nobody expects to be hit by a motor vehicle, so the time after a pedestrian accident can be confusing and frightening.
Follow a couple of simple steps:
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible after your accident
- Retain an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer to lead an insurance claim or lawsuit on your behalf
What You Accomplish by Getting Immediate Medical Care
Seeking a thorough medical examination after your accident:
- Ensures that you are not at immediate risk from accident-related injuries
- Allows you to receive definite diagnoses of your accident-related injuries
- Ensures you receive a detailed treatment plan that will allow you to recover as soon as possible
- Will provide documentation of your accident-related injuries (including written records, medical images, and medical bills)
In other words, getting medical care after an accident serves your well-being and case.
What You Accomplish by Hiring a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
When you hire a pedestrian accident lawyer to lead your case for compensation, you:
- Give yourself the time necessary to focus on recovery (because you won’t have to spend time or effort handling your case)
- Protect your rights and your case, as your lawyer will serve as a buffer between you and insurance companies
Your attorney will take the lead in all case-related matters. If you must make a statement to insurers or take any other actions related to your case, your legal team will inform you.
Because you won’t have to endure the stress and physical demands associated with your case, you may benefit psychologically from your choice to work with a lawyer.
The Value of Having a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer on Your Side
It is difficult to overstate the value of hiring a pedestrian accident attorney.
At a time when you may feel immense pain and face psychological distress, you may turn to a lawyer for help because:
- You need financial assistance: A pedestrian accident can suddenly throw your life into financial disarray. You may be unable to work, facing costly medical bills, and understandably unwilling to take on more financial risk. A pedestrian accident lawyer will pay the upfront cost of your case, allowing you to seek compensation without direct financial risk.
- A lawyer understands your circumstances: While a pedestrian accident lawyer is likely unfamiliar to you, it is a circumstance lawyers see often. Your attorney may be a great resource because they have helped many other pedestrian accident victims overcome difficult accidents like yours.
- A lawyer knows insurance claims and lawsuits well: Most accident victims go years between dealing with auto insurance claims, let alone lawsuits. Pedestrian accident lawyers, on the other hand, handle such processes as a key job requirement. Let such an experienced lawyer handle your claim or lawsuit would make sense.
- A law firm has resources you don’t have: In addition to covering case-related costs, a law firm may provide many resources you wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Those resources include a team of lawyers, paralegals, investigators, and experts.
- Your health demands you hand your case over to a lawyer: If you were hit by a car, truck, or other vehicle, it’s a safe bet that your doctor will advise you to rest. You may also have pain and other symptoms that limit you significantly. Even if you were inclined to handle your own case, your health may prevent you from doing so effectively.
You may simply wish not to deal with an insurance claim or lawsuit yourself. Whatever your reasoning is, don’t wait to hire a Cape Girardeau pedestrian accident attorney to pursue the compensation you deserve.
Pedestrian Accidents Often Cause Serious Damages
You may be entitled to a large financial recovery after your accident, as these cases often involve serious injuries and other catastrophic damages.
Pedestrians lack many forms of protection that those in motor vehicles have, including:
- The metal barrier that a motor vehicle provides
- Airbags
- Seatbelts
- Protective clothing and equipment (such as the helmets motorcycle riders often wear)
Pedestrians do not expect a motorist to hit them, which exposes pedestrians to severe injuries when an accident happens.
Your Attorney Will Build Your Case from Start to Finish
Your lawyer will start your case right away, working to build an effective case that concludes with your financial recovery. Steps in your case will likely include:
Securing Evidence Related to the Pedestrian Accident
Your attorney’s case will rest on the weight of the evidence, which may include:
- Eyewitness testimony that supports your account of the collision
- Video of the accident, which may come from security cameras, traffic cameras, or elsewhere
- A digital reconstruction showing how the accident occurred
- Experts’ testimony about who is at fault for the pedestrian accident
- Any other evidence that improves your case’s chances of success
Your attorney will also consider any evidence that works against your case, developing a strategy for combating such unfavorable evidence.
Establishing Fault for the Accident
Your lawyer will weigh all relevant evidence and information to determine who you can hold liable for your accident.
Liable parties may include:
- A motorist who hit you
- The municipality of Cape Girardeau (if city officials failed in any way that contributed to your pedestrian accident)
- A motor vehicle manufacturer
If any other party contributed to your collision, your lawyer will obtain all available evidence of their negligence.
Documenting the Damages You Have Suffered (and May Suffer in the Future)
Your legal team must explain why they’re seeking the compensation they are seeking by documenting your damages.
Your lawyer will gather:
- Medical bills related to the pedestrian accident
- Photographs and medical images of your injuries
- Doctors’ diagnoses and treatment plans
- Past income statements that show how much income you have lost because of the accident
- Any other documentation that helps prove your economic and non-economic damages
Your lawyer will consult your mental health service providers, doctors, and anyone else with insight into your accident-related damages. These professionals may testify in support of your case and provide essential documentation to your lawyer.
Calculating a Target Settlement Value
Pedestrian accident lawyers understand the process of calculating clients’ damages, which includes evaluating the cost of pain and suffering. Your attorney may use a multiplier or per-diem method to calculate your non-economic damages.
Negotiating with Liable Parties
Most pedestrian accident cases conclude with a settlement. Your lawyer will make your case with insurers or others who owe you compensation for accident-related damages.
Settlement negotiations require explaining your damages, providing evidence of negligence, and presenting settlement demands. Your lawyer will oversee the negotiating process from start to finish.
Discussing the Need for a Lawsuit and Trial With You
If liable parties don’t offer your attorney a fair settlement, your legal team may urge you to consider a lawsuit.
If you greenlight a lawsuit, your lawyer will:
- Prepare for trial
- Continue seeking a fair settlement from liable parties
- Complete the pre-trial process
- Handle every step of the trial, including questioning witnesses, presenting evidence, and urging the jury to award you a fair award
Your lawyer will help you make case-related decisions, including whether to pursue a lawsuit. An attorney’s experience can be priceless as you navigate the post-accident claims process and any necessary lawsuit.
Can I Afford a Cape Girardeau Pedestrian Accident Attorney?
Daniel J. Grimm, Pedestrian Accident Attorney
You can afford to hire a pedestrian accident attorney serving Cape Girardeau. These attorneys offer their services at no upfront or out-of-pocket cost.
Your legal team will cover case-related expenses and only receive a fee if you get a settlement or jury award. Financial concerns should never prevent you from seeking the legal representation you need.
Don’t wait to hire a pedestrian accident lawyer for your case in Cape Girardeau. Time is of the essence, so act today to protect your future.