How Do Car Accident Settlements Work?

​The aftermath of a car accident is overwhelming, scary, and confusing. If this is the first time you have been in an accident, you may not know what to do or how a car accident settlement works. Car accident settlements can be unpredictable. You need a car accident attorney to...


​Rear-End Collisions

​Rear-end accidents are common types of accidents across the country. Because these accidents are so common, it is essential to know how liability is determined and what causes rear-end collisions so that you can protect yourself while traveling on roads throughout the country. If you have been in a rear-end accident,...


​Distracted Driving

​Every driver must operate their vehicle safely; however, when a driver is distracted behind the wheel, the potential for accidents dramatically increases. Distracted driving causes deadly traffic crashes. A distracted driver may be liable for your injuries if they cause a car accident. The best way to get the compensation...


​Three Examples of Road Rage

As cities across the country increase in population, traffic becomes increasingly congested. With more people on the road, it makes sense that travelers will get increasingly frustrated as they try to get to where they are going. The frustration that some drivers feel while they are on city streets can...


Types of Car Accidents

There are many types of car accidents that happen across the country each year. A car accident can happen for many reasons, including texting and driving, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, speeding, and many other factors. You may be entitled to compensation for your damages if you...