Car Accident

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

You suffered injuries in a Missouri car accident, and you know you need an attorney to help you get compensation. However, you may worry about how much a car accident lawyer costs. Don’t fret. Hiring a lawyer to handle your car accident injury case won’t cost you anything unless the...


Can a Car Accident Claim Be Reopened?

Is it Possible to Reopen a Closed Insurance Claim in Missouri? You cannot typically reopen a car accident claim. Once you agree to accept a settlement, insurance companies and liable parties are typically free of financial liability. However, there may be exceptions to this general rule. If you have yet...


​What Do Car Accident Lawyers Do?

Accident and injury lawyers will always tell you that you cannot afford to be without their services after a car accident. There is a reason for that. An attorney is crucial in your case as you seek financial compensation for your injuries. You may jeopardize your financial compensation chances if...


​Do Most Car Accident Cases Go to Court?

Prospective clients have many misconceptions about the legal process, and it is understandable. Hopefully, they have never been involved in an injury-causing car accident before and do not have detailed knowledge of the legal system and how it works. That is precisely why they must rely on a car accident...


​Can I Sue After a Car Accident?

After you or a loved one have suffered an injury in a car accident, your thoughts may turn to compensation sooner rather than later. Your financial circumstances may change for the worse almost immediately after your car accident. In addition, you want justice for what happened when you have suffered...