Victims of bicycle accidents frequently stand to suffer extremely serious injuries. Except for their helmets, bicyclists have extremely limited protection while on the road. If a bicyclist falls in an accident, they may suffer broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and other serious and debilitating medical complications.
If the bicyclist suffers a permanent injury, they may experience ongoing pain and suffering for the rest of their life. They may also need to undergo medical treatment, including physical therapy, for an extended period after their accident.
Bicycle accidents typically result from drivers’ negligence. If you recently suffered injuries in a bicycle crash, always retain an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in your area who can handle the legal components of your case.
First, a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney can investigate your accident circumstances and file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Your attorney can also negotiate with the adjuster and pursue a favorable settlement offer. If the adjuster will not take your case seriously and offer you favorable settlement compensation, then your attorney may file a lawsuit in the court system and litigate your case to an efficient resolution.
Every step of the way, your attorney can aggressively fight for your legal interests and pursue the maximum monetary damages you deserve to recover in your case.
Bicycle Accident Categories
When people drive negligently and recklessly, they may bring about various types of serious accidents.
One common type of bicycle accident is a rear-end crash. In this scenario, the front of a driver’s vehicle hits the back tire of a bicycle, usually because the negligent driver broke the speed limit or did not watch the road attentively.
Other bicycle accidents are head-on collisions, where the front of another vehicle strikes the front of an oncoming cyclist. These accidents can happen on dual-lane roadways, where a driver negligently causes their vehicle to cross the centerline, such as in a no-passing zone. These types of collisions are also the most likely to cause bicyclist fatalities.
Another common type of bicycle accident is a T-bone or broadside collision. These accidents frequently occur in traffic intersections where a driver fails to yield the right-of-way to a bicycle traveling on an intersecting roadway.
Dooring accidents, on the other hand, happen when a motor vehicle operator opens their door into the path of an oncoming cyclist. That cyclist may travel on the road or in a designated bicycle lane. When the negligent driver opens their door, it may cause the bicyclist to fall on the ground and suffer serious injuries.
Another common type of bicycle accident is a sideswipe collision. In this accident scenario, a negligent driver causes their vehicle to drift into another travel lane, striking the side of a cyclist.
At other times, the negligent driver may cause their vehicle to drift into a designated bicycle lane, pushing the cyclist out of their lane and causing them to fall on the ground.
If you sustained injuries in one of these types of bicycle crashes that resulted from a driver’s negligence, you need to consult a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney in your area as quickly as possible.
Your lawyer can review all your legal options with you and file the necessary claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Your lawyer can then begin settlement negotiations on your behalf for a favorable settlement offer from the insurance company adjuster handling your claim.
Causes of Bicycle Collisions
Bicycle collisions are usually the result of driver error and negligence. When drivers make mistakes and cause their vehicle to hit a cyclist, the bicycle may overturn, or the cyclist may fall off the bicycle, striking the ground with a significant amount of force.
One common cause of local bicycle accidents is standard driving violations. These violations may include disregarding right-of-way laws and speed limits, failing to use turn signals when making a lane change, and passing other vehicles in a no-passing zone.
Additionally, bicycle accidents frequently happen when a driver exhibits road rage. Since bicycles are slower-moving vehicles, a driver may hurry to move around a cyclist and get ahead of other traffic. As a result, they might honk their horn, attempt to pass the cyclist, or cut off the cyclist in traffic. Unfortunately, these reckless driving maneuvers may lead to a collision with a cyclist, bringing about serious injuries.
Another common cause of bicycle accidents is distracted driving, where a driver fails to watch the road attentively. Since bicycles are very low to the ground, they can be difficult to see if a driver is not giving the road their full attention.
Drivers frequently become distracted by electronic devices, including cell phones, smartwatches, in-car infotainment, and GPS navigation systems. Vehicle passengers may also distract drivers from their duty of watching the road attentively. As a result, a driver may not observe a cyclist in the vicinity, causing a serious collision.
Finally, a bicycle accident might happen when a driver comes under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers of passenger vehicles who have a blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, of 0.08 percent or greater are legally intoxicated. Consequently, they may be subject to both criminal and civil penalties if they incur a conviction.
Alcohol intoxication is particularly dangerous because drunk drivers frequently suffer from impaired vision, preventing them from noticing cyclists and pedestrians.
An intoxicated driver might also suffer from delayed reflexes and reaction time. As a result, even if a driver observes a cyclist in the vicinity, they might not hit their brakes and stop their vehicle in time to prevent a serious collision.
If you suffered injuries in a bicycle accident that occurred because of another driver’s negligence, retain the best possible attorney you can find to handle your case.
A skilled bicycle accident lawyer in your area can investigate your accident circumstances and file a necessary personal injury claim or lawsuit to recover the monetary damages you need and deserve for your injuries.
Common Injuries in Bicycle Crashes
Bicycle accidents can result in extremely serious injuries, many of which may be permanent. The injuries that a bicyclist may suffer in an accident will usually depend upon various factors, including whether or not they are wearing a helmet and other protective gear and the amount of force with which they strike the ground.
The surface on which they land may also influence the nature and extent of their injuries. For example, if a cyclist falls on concrete, they will likely suffer more serious injuries than if they land in the grass.
Some of the most common injuries that bicyclists may suffer include traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, internal bleeding, soft tissue injuries, bone fractures, rib fractures, spinal cord and paralysis injuries (both completed incomplete), mouth and teeth injuries, eye injuries, and death.
After suffering injuries in a bicycle accident, first, take steps to get the medical treatment that you need. For example, you may have to consult with a medical specialist, such as an orthopedic doctor or neurologist, or undergo a medical procedure, such as surgery.
Additionally, you may need to attend ongoing physical therapy appointments over a specified time.
By treating continuously for your injuries and following all your medical provider’s treatment recommendations, you increase your chances of fully recovering from your injuries. In addition, you show the at-fault driver’s insurance company that your injuries are serious and warrant favorable monetary compensation.
While you focus on getting better and receiving proper treatment for your injuries, your attorney can start gathering medical records and bills on your behalf and preparing a settlement demand package for your case.
Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim for Monetary Damages
One of the most important ways a bicycle accident attorney can assist in your case is by aggressively representing you during settlement negotiations with insurance company representatives.
Before negotiations can begin in your case, your lawyer must submit a settlement demand package to the insurance company adjuster handling the matter. This demand package will include a demand letter and copies of relevant documents pertaining to your case.
Those documents may include photographs of your injuries, property damage photographs, color photographs of the accident scene, camera footage of the accident, medical bills, lost-wage documents from your employer, and medical treatment records.
The insurance company will use all this information when evaluating your case and determining the amount of monetary compensation to award you.
Settlement negotiations following a bicycle accident may take weeks or even months, depending upon the insurance company and the adjuster with whom you are dealing. Insurance companies do not have an incentive to offer you fair and full monetary compensation for your bicycle accident injuries.
Therefore, your attorney may need to aggressively negotiate on your behalf for a favorable settlement offer. If the insurance company does not make you a fair offer, your lawyer can file a injury lawsuit and litigate your case to a resolution in the court system on your behalf.
During litigation, your attorney can also represent you at all legal proceedings, including a civil jury trial, mediation session, or binding arbitration hearing.
Recoverable Bicycle Accident Monetary Damages
Victims of bicycle accidents may be eligible to recover several types and amounts of monetary damages. Since every bicycle accident case is different, and bicyclists suffer different injuries, not everyone will be entitled to receive the same types and amounts of monetary damages.
The total monetary damages awarded that you receive via settlement or litigation will depend primarily upon your bicycle accident circumstances, the extent of your injuries, the total cost of your medical treatment, and whether your injuries are permanent.
First, a bicycle accident victim might recover compensation for all their related medical expenses. If they had to take a specific amount of time off work to recover from their injuries, they can seek compensation for lost income.
Additionally, if their injuries prevent them from returning to their former occupation, and they have to take a lower-paying job, they might be in a position to acquire compensation for loss of earning capacity.
Next, a bicycle accident victim may be entitled to receive compensation for their intangible losses, including monetary damages for their inconvenience, mental distress, physical pain and suffering, lost enjoyment of life, loss of the ability to use a body part, permanent disfigurement or disability, lifetime or long-term care costs, and loss of spousal companionship or consortium.
A skilled bicycle accident lawyer in your area can determine the likely ballpark value of your case. Your lawyer can also help you make intelligent decisions throughout your case, including whether to accept a pending settlement offer from the insurance company adjuster or consider litigating your case to a resolution in the state court system. No matter what you decide, your attorney will aggressively advocate for your legal interests and pursue the maximum amount of compensation you need and deserve.
Speak With an Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today
Matthew D. Glenn, Bicycle Accident Attorney
If you recently sustained injuries in a bicycle accident that was someone else’s fault, retain the legal help that you need right away. Each state has time limits for injury lawsuits called statutes of limitations.
Under the statute of limitations, a bicycle accident victim must file a personal injury lawsuit within a specified time, which can be one to five years, depending on your state.
Otherwise, they automatically waive their right to recover the monetary damages they need and deserve. Never risk missing the statute of limitations, as you might forgo your compensation entirely if you wait too long. Instead, consult a lawyer who can identify the deadlines for your case.
A skilled personal injury lawyer can file a timely claim or lawsuit in your case and begin fighting for your legal rights and interests. Your attorney will do everything possible to maximize your total monetary compensation so you become whole again after your accident.