What Is the Average Settlement for Medical Malpractice?

There is no singular resource where you can review all medical malpractice case results and determine the average payout for plaintiffs. Further, having such a resource would not provide useful information about your case. This is because every medical malpractice case is entirely independent of others with unique circumstances. The...


What Is the Average Payout for a Motorcycle Accident?

The average payout for a motorcycle accident is not known. This is not a statistic that we can reliably offer as no single database accounts for every motorcycle accident-related settlement and judgment in America. Let’s say such a database existed—even so, knowing the average payout for motorcycle accident cases might...


Can I Claim Compensation for a Dog Bite?

Yes, you can claim compensation after a dog bite. Dog owners and other liable parties have a duty to protect others from an aggressive dog. If anyone with a duty of care failed to protect you or a loved one and a bite occurred, you can seek compensation through an...


How Long After a Dog Attack Can You Sue?

How long after a dog attack you can sue depends on the state where the attack happened. Each state has a statute of limitations for filing such cases. Depending on the state, the deadline for filing your case may span between one and six years. Because legal statutes change, such...


What Do I Do After a Hit and Run Accident?

Regardless of your unique circumstances, you should seek medical attention and hire an attorney after a hit-and-run accident. Your health can be at risk, which is why you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if you don’t notice any obvious injury symptoms, you can have injuries that...