​Who Is at Fault in a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end accidents are generally clear cases of liability. Typically, the driver who rear-ends another vehicle is the responsible party, and as the responsible party, they should be liable for damages. However, in some cases, the driver of the lead car causes the accident. The facts surrounding any injury case are...


What Is Road Rage?

Road rage occurs when a driver acts in a way that causes, or can potentially cause, physical harm or distress to other motorists. The behavior is antisocial and can lead to car accidents, injury, or death. In many states, road rage is a criminal offense, and it can lead to...


Truck Driver Fatigue

Many people associate the most tragic accidents caused by driving while tired with truck drivers. Drivers of large trucks work in a hazardous profession. Because truck drivers operate heavy machinery, if a truck driver gets into an accident, there is a high likelihood of significant injury or death. The risk...


Speeding Is a Factor in 26 Percent of Fatal Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in a recent year, speeding contributed to about 26 percent of all fatal accidents. Specifically, speeding led to at least 9,478 deaths on the roads of the U.S., and most of these fatalities were preventable had drivers operated their vehicles at...